KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Visualization Studio


Installing a modern flexible and mobile visualization environment in a 1917 landmarked building

The challenge

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is since 1917 located in landmarked buildings, including KTH Visualization Studio since 2011. Logistically this means that the buildings are protected by law and not to be altered. Additionally those older buildings imply narrow hallways, small elevators and heavy-duty building material such as brick walls.
Planning to become a modern research and education resource for both researchers, teachers and students the Visualization Studio has to satisfy high demands of visualization and interaction. The installation NANCO was entrusted with, including a large projection area and stereo projection, was therefore to meet a high level of flexibility and mobility: connecting and converting different audio and video signals and alternating between front and rear projection.

The solution

NANCO had once again to rely on its expertise in logistics and its collaboration skills with a specialized moving company and glaziery as the only way to get the 3.9m * 2.3m wide projection screen into place on the building’s second floor, while preserving the building’s cultural value and finding a way around its narrow passages, was to cut out the entire window and to lift the screen into the room by means of two enormous crane trucks.

The 3.9m * 2.3m wide projection screen on its way to the two waiting crane trucks

The 3.9m * 2.3m wide projection screen on its way to the two waiting crane trucks

Preparing to lift the screen by means of two enormous crane trucks

Preparing to lift the screen by means of two enormous crane trucks

The demands for flexibility involved the posibility to connect DVI, SDI and audio as well as to convert DVI into SDI, SDI into DVI and to embed and de-embed analog and digital audio. As this implies a certain degree of technological complexity NANCO’s competence and experience in the field was proven beneficial to the project.
The intricate connection diagram exemplifies the complexity © NANCO

The intricate connection diagram exemplifies the complexity © NANCO

Schematics on mirrored rear projection © NANCO

Schematics on mirrored rear projection © NANCO

Mirrored rear projection IRL

Mirrored rear projection IRL

As both projectors had to be mobile for front and rear projection, stands and special designed cases were delivered.

Projector stand

Projector stand

Projector stand - detail

Projector stand – detail

Special designed cases

Special designed cases


The outcome

KTH’s Visualization Studio is now equipped with a 3.9m * 2.3m wide powerwall and two movable projectors for stereo front or rear projection including 6 DVI, 6 SDI, 6 audio in and 6 audio out access points enabling students, researchers and teachers to interact and collaborate with one another and/or the projection screen.

KTH's Visualization Studio equipped with a 3.9m * 2.3m wide projection area

KTH’s Visualization Studio equipped with a 3.9m * 2.3m wide powerwall

It surely is beautiful

It surely is beautiful



  • landmarked building from 1917
  • high level of flexibility and mobility
  • cutting out the window
  • lifting by means of two crane trucks
  • collaboration with specialized moving company and glaziery
  • competence and experience in the field
  • a 3.9m * 2.3m wide powerwall
  • a highly flexible visualization environment
  • a mobile solution for front and rear projection
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