Volvo Cars Corporation


Combining a cave and a powerwall... in one room

The challenge

An important phase in the automotive design process is to evaluate the design of the vehicle’s interior and exterior. In 2010 Volvo Cars decided therefore to install two powerful evalution tools for this process: a 3m * 3m * 2.4m large cave for total interior immersion and an 11m * 2.9m wide powerwall to experience the virtual model’s exterior. Both in 4K resolution and stereo (3D)… and both in the same room.

In addition Volvo Cars wanted a conference area right outside the cave to use as presentation tool.
NANCO had six major challenges to solve:

  • to find the optimal positioning for a 3 m * 3m * 2.4m large cave, an 11m * 2.9m wide powerwall and a conference area in one room
  • to overcome the limiting 5m ceiling as the 2.4m high cave comprising of three walls and a roof need an additional 3.3m ceiling projection distance and 1.4m space for the projector, which makes a total of 7.1m… not 5m
  • to create an 11m * 2.9m wide powerwall, where the maximum size of a glass screen is 6m * 3.2m. If the powerwall was to be in two parts, the joint had to be practically invisible and each wall had to be used separately as well as a unit.
  • to extend the powerwall’s projection area down to the floor to experience the vehicle’s exterior as in reality. Could be a little tricky as the glass screen is mounted in a frame.
  • to meet flexibility demands, e.g. to visualize ppt, different CAD systems, different visualization systems, etc.
  • to provide the same virtual evaluation tool to two specialized user groups: on the one hand the ergonomics group studying the efficiency and the comfort in the driving environment, such as the spaciousness, the view, the interior experience of  the vehicle’s sunroof or skylight, etc. and therefore demanding a precise measuring instrument. On the other hand the design department evaluating materials, fabrics, textures, colours, etc. and thus requiring high image quality. This results in a more unusual combination of software requirements.

The solution

This major installation at Volvo Cars was carried out in two steps. But first the groundwork: fitting a cave, a powerwall and a conference area in a 21m * 24m room.
Positioning the cave, the powerwall and the conference room © NANCO

Positioning the cave, the powerwall and the conference room © NANCO

Step 1 – The Cave 2011
While the 3m * 3m * 2.4m large cave comprising of three walls and a roof needed a total of 7.1m, the available height was only 5 m. The solution was to minimize the distance needed by using mirrored projection. This still meant that Volvo had to lower 4m * 4m of the room floor by 20 cm.
Lowering the cave's floor by 20 cm

Lowering the cave’s floor by 20 cm (4m * 4m)

The cave comprises of*:

  • 3 walls and a ceiling (3m * 3m * 2.4m)
  • 8 projectors (2 per side) for stereo rear projection, all 4K projectors for high image quality
  • 4 mirrors (1 per side) for mirrored projection
  • 16 workstations (2 per projector)
  • 1 workstation for the applications
  • 1 tracking system
  • software to meet flexibility demands and the user groups specified requirements
  • audio system

* for details: please check at the bottom of the page, under section ”More”

Cave ceiling - mirrored rear projection

Cave ceiling – mirrored rear projection

Cave ceiling - mirrored rear projection

Cave ceiling – mirrored rear projection

As the cave and the powerwall demand an output power of 75kW a large power supply was installed, which in its turn required the installation of a large cooling system.

The cave's power supply and cooling system

The cave’s power supply and cooling system

At this stage the conference area was also installed including a 2.2m * 1.2m projection screen and an in-ceiling HD projector.

Step 2 -The Powerwall 2012
As the maximum size of a glass screen is 6m * 3.2m NANCO created an 11m * 2.9m wide powerwall by using two glass screens, each 5.5m * 2.9m wide (as a car is approx. 5m long) and with a visible joint of maximum 2mm in between. In order to fit the screens into the room and to optimize the visual experience and ergonomics while working with objects projected simultaneously on both screens, the  screens were placed in a precise angle of 152 degrees. Using spider cranes equipped with suction pads, both screens were mounted with extreme precision allowing a maximum difference of 2 mm. An extremely demanding task as each glass weighs about 900kg.

In order to achieve an image projection down to the floor, NANCO had to lower the screen frame into the floor in a 15cm deep and  20cm wide track.

Preparing projection all the way down to the floor

Preparing projection all the way down to the floor

The powerwall comprises of*:

  • 2 glass screens (5.5m * 2.9m)
  • 4 projectors (2 per wall) for stereo rear projection, all 4K projectors for high image quality
  • 2 mirrors (1 per wall) for mirrored projection
  • 2 workstations (1 per wall) to use each wall separately
  • 1 workstation to use both walls as a unit
  • 1 tracking system
  • software to meet flexibility demands and the user groups specified requirements
  • 1 control system
  • 1 complete audio system

* for details: please check at the bottom of the page, under section ”More”

The outcome

As of 2012 Volvo Cars’ ergonomics and design departments have two powerful evaluation tools and  a presentation tool enhancing the design process: a 3m * 3m * 2.4m large cave for total immersion, an 11m * 2.9m wide powerwall for exterior environment experience and a 2.2m * 1.2m wide conference area to introduce and discuss ergonomics and design ideas, challenges and solutions.

The 3m * 3m * 2.4m large cave for total immersion

The 3m * 3m * 2.4m large cave for total immersion

Conference area to present and discuss ideas, challenges and solutions

Conference area to present and discuss ideas, challenges and solutions

This project was upgraded further more 2015-2016, read more.


Industrial design

  • positioning a 3m * 3m * 2.4m cave, an 11m * 2.9m powerwall and a conference area optimally in one room
  • needing 7.1m ceiling while only 5m are available
  • 11m * 2.9m projection area… in glass?
  • projecting the image all the way down to the floor
  • flexible system for multiple uses
  • multiple user groups combining accuracy in measurement and high image quality
  • measuring and drawing to find the optimal positioning
  • lowering the floor by 20 cm and using mirrored rear projection
  • using two 5.5m * 2.9m projection screens adjacently with less than 2mm differentiation
  • lowering a track into the floor to hide away the screen frame
  • installing powerfull and flexible software
  • a 3m * 3m * 2.4 m cave for experiencing the interior of the vehicle in 4K resolution and stereo (3D)
  • a 2 * 5.5m * 2.9m powerwall for experiencing the exterior of the vehicle in 4K resolution and stereo (3D)
  • a 2.2m * 1.2m conference area
  • a cave, a powerwall and a conference area optimally positioned in one room
  • a flexible multi-purpose system with high accuracy in measurement and high image quality
Read more
